This is an issue we've been seeing a lot recently and we're looking into it - I've seen this issue across platforms and applications. It may be the result of a subtitle configuration error, aka, the subtitles did not implement correctly. Couple things to try:
- Toggling the Subtitles Off and then On. It seems elementary, but simply switching the subtitles off and then on may set it straight. By doing this, you’re essentially recalibrating the subtitle display. Try this a few times to ensure it has a chance to work.
- Switch between different subtitle languages to see if that calibrates the subtitles as well.
- Changing the Subtitle Display Settings (Size and Font - if this is available for you. Likely pertains more to subtitle encoding)
- Clearing the Videostream Cache & Data. The more movies and shows you watch on Videostream, the more cached files that begin to accumulate. This built-up cache leads to app bugs which interfere with the app’s functionalities including subtitles.
- Deleting Web Browser Cache and Cookies, for the same reasons as below.
Hope these work!